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There are some sources about tajweed rules and learning them is recommended. But what is tajweed? I learned the Arabic alphabets and can read Quran. What does tajweed add to just knowing the alphabet? Is learning tajweed just a recommendation or a necessity? Tajweed is a set of rules for proper pronunciation and recital of the Quran. It what is verse 94 05 of quran learning meant to replicate the way the prophet Mohammad saws recited the Quran. Learning tajweed means learning how to pronounce the letters in the words correctly, which covers matters like when a consonant is silent or not and how long a vowel is kept. It is only meant for reciting the Quran however, and does not apply to enunciating classical Arabic. Applying tajweed what is verse 94 05 of quran learning reciting Quran is considered to be fard ain ; a must for all those who recite Quran. See the following ayah. Tajweed adds a beautiful voice, but that is not all, it helps you keep from making recitation mistakes. From this Ayah it would be Recommended to learn Tajweed, but not learn it but learn and apply it. The Messenger of Allah sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, "The one. If a person reads and pronounces the. With regard to the verse in which Allah, may He be exalted, says. Tajweed is an art of reading Quran with a melody, and is a set of rules for non-Arabic readers to reading Quran correctly by using vowelized Arabic text. And those who disbelieve say, "Why was the Qur'an not revealed to him all at once? And We have spaced it distinctly. There are three types of "reading" in Quran; "telavat", "qurae" and "tarteel". Telavat is reading a text normally. Qurae is reading it giving your mind completely and trying to understand it. Tarteel is reading a text word-by-word, thinking on each word for a long time, maybe for several minutes. In this ayat, tarteel is used. The bold part of the ayat is translated as " And tarteel it with a tarteel. In my opinion, some people love to hear molody, and they want to read Quran with melody too. They think it would be good if they read Quran with melody. But there is no order in Quran to read it with melody.

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